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제주 골프장 5곳, 세금도 못 내? <161> 한국 골프장들, '코로나 특수' 누렸지만...2020년 팬데믹이 시작되어 3년여 만인 2022년 엔데믹이 선언된 '코로나 19 기간' 제주 골프장을 비롯한 대한민국 골프장들은 대호황을 누렸습니다. 600만 골퍼들이 코로나 사태로 발이 꽁꽁 묶이자 부득불 국내 골프장만을 찾을 수밖에 없었기 때문입니다. 골퍼들에게 선택의 여지가 없어지자 국내 골프장들은 기다렸다는 듯이 지독한 탐욕으로 골퍼들을 몰아붙였습니다.골프장들은 제 세상을 만난 듯 그린피, 카트비, 캐디피, 식음료대, 객단가 등 모든 비용을 마구 올리기 시작한 것입니다. 서비스 개선은 뒷전인 채 오직 비용만 올리는데 급급한 양상이었습니다. 이 때문에 3년이란 짧은 기간에 비용이 너무 올라버리자 골퍼들의 원성도 하늘을 찔렀습니다. 오죽했으면 골프장들이 .. 2024. 5. 20.
"Korean golf courses go too far with 'Cart fees profiteering'" <35> If I were the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism ⑥ Golf courses, the level of profiteering that they take after putting in electric carts is beyond imaginationKorean golf course carts are equipped with electric carts. These carts allow golfers or caddies to stop or start a cart carrying a golf caddie bag by controlling it with a remote control during a round. You can stop it when you remove.. 2024. 5. 19.
"Leave it to the golfer whether to use the caddy or not" <34> If I were the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism ⑤ "Korea's golf course should also be left to golfers whether to use caddies or not." This is a complaint I heard from a junior high school golf club member yesterday. Golfers visiting golf courses these days are divided over whether to use caddies or not. There are growing calls for leaving it up to golfers to decide whether to use caddies .. 2024. 5. 18.
"Investigate the competitive analysis between domestic and international golf courses" <33> If I were the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism ④ Even if golfers' complaints are stabbed into the sky, the authorities said, "I don't know"The "Planning Series" prepared by my blog "If I were the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism" is already in its fourth installment. As I have revealed to you at the beginning of the series, the "Super High-priced, Super Overusing Power" of Korean .. 2024. 5. 17.
"Comprehensive Task Force, Full Investigation of Golf Course Problems" <32> If I were the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism: ③ "At least in terms of policy in the golf industry, I doubt the existence of the government and local governments in South Korea."How can golf courses be left unattended when they are doing such 'ignorant super overuse of power'? It is a dereliction of duty that gives up public power on its own.“"The distorted golf industry policy needs to.. 2024. 5. 16.
"Let's activate the 'joint golf industry task force'" <31> If I were the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism: ② Korea's golf industry is at a loss due to various regulationsThe late Goo Ok-hee, Pak Se-ri, Kim Mi-hyun, Choi Kyung-ju, Park In-bee, Yang Yong-eun, Kim In-kyung, Shin Ji-ae, Choi Na-yeon, Ko Jin-young, Park Sung-hyun, Chun In-gee, Kim Hyo-joo, Kim Si-woo, and so on... The mere mention of these names excites any golfer. They are Korea's l.. 2024. 5. 15.
"Republic of Korea's golf industry policy, do a major surgery" <30> "If I were the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism: " ① South Korea's golf population is soon to reach 6 million. With 6 million golfers, it accounts for about 12% of the total population (50 million). This means that out of 100 people, 12 are visiting golf courses. People of all ages and genders enjoy golf, and it has firmly established itself as a popular sport for the masses. However, the.. 2024. 5. 14.
이젠 파크골프가 대세? <160> 전국 파크골프장 400개... 동호인 14만여 명 언제부턴가 대한민국엔 파크골프장이 우후죽순처럼 생겨나고 있습니다. 2000년대 초반만 해도 파크골프 하면 노년층을 떠올렸습니다. 은퇴한 노인들이 동네 부근에 있는 파크골프장을 찾는 행렬이 이어졌기 때문입니다. 그러나 최근 들어서는 젊은 층도 가세하면서 파크골프 인구가 폭발적으로 늘어나고 있습니다. 이유는 골프처럼 충분히 재미가 있으면서 저렴하게 즐길 수 있기 때문입니다. 2024년 5월 5일 자 YTN 보도에 따르면 60~80대 노년층 중심이었던 파크골프 동호회원이 40~50대 등 청장년층을 포함해 다양한 연령층으로 확대되면서 2019년 3만여 명에서 5년 만인 2024년에는 14만여 명으로 무려 4배나 급증했다고 합니다. 동호인수가 늘어나면서 국내 파크.. 2024. 5. 13.
The Golf of the Centenarian Age... “This Is the Problem" <29> Old Horse Wisdom."Old horse wisdom," which refers to the rich and seasoned wisdom gained through experience. Old horse wisdom·The era of venerating elders and the necessity for honoring the aged"The story comes from the 'Shuo Lin' chapter of Han Feizi. Gan Zhong and Shi Peng, two prominent officials of the Qi state, followed Duke Huan of Qi in the conquest of a country called Guzhu. However, whi.. 2024. 5. 12.
Hi, overseas travel! However, the 'melancholy reality' <28> "Koreans are overflowing at tourist destinations around the world. The reason is largely attributed to the abundance of low-cost carriers (LCCs) domestically." Koreans are overflowing at tourist destinations around the worldOn March 27, 2023, an article from the major Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo caught my eye. It covered the topic of 'Koreans bustling at tourist destinations around the world..... 2024. 5. 11.
“Be golf, the joyous ball game under the blue sky" <27> "Be the joyous ball game under the azure sky!This phrase encapsulates the essence of golf in a single breath. In the azure sky, the white golf ball soars and flies,But it's not just any ball. It's a ball brimming with all the joy,The white golf ball is none other than the joyous ball game." The 'Heavenly Joy Monument' that catches the eye with its dignityLocated near Tongdosa in Yangsan, Gyeongs.. 2024. 5. 10.
"Sorenstam, Did She Dream of 'A Round of –18'?" <26> "The greatest achievement I have accomplished is being the first female player to record a score of 59."  - Annika Sorenstam Annika Sorenstam from Sweden, known as the 'Empress of Golf, ' completely dominated the world stage of women's golf in the early 2000s. The Empress shocked the world by recording a score of 59 in a single round. Sorenstam's round score of -13 was a first in LPGA history, n.. 2024. 5. 9.