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Struck by Lightning on an Airplane... Memories of Two Hole-in-Ones <11>-⑤ My late-starting wife, scoring a hole-in-one before me "2021 was a significant year for our couple because we became a 'hole-in-one couple.' On August 1st of that year, during a club gathering, my wife scored her first ever hole-in-one at the 7th hole of the Golden Course at Haeundae Country Club. As we delved into golf, we found ourselves leaving home every weekend for rounds. Feeling guilty ab.. 2024. 4. 21.
Struck by Lightning on an Airplane... Memories of Two Hole-in-Ones <11>-④ "Oh! It's me too..." Unexpectedly, a hole-in-one came to meEvery golfer dreams of making a hole-in-one, especially on a short hole. Hole-in-one, shortened as "HIO", is often referred to as an "ace" by Americans. Even though I never thought I'd have any connection to it, the hole-in-one came unexpectedly to me in 2021. It felt like a miracle, pure ecstasy. But the second one came too easily, too .. 2024. 4. 21.
Struck by Lightning on an Airplane... Memories of Two Hole-in-Ones <11>- ③ The probability of a beginner achieving a hole-in-one is 1 in 12,000 Before delving into my own hole-in-one story, let's first clarify the probability related to a hole-in-one. Every golfer dreams of achieving a hole-in-one at least once. It's when a tee shot on a par 3 hole goes directly into the hole with one stroke. Also known as an ace, it records a score of -2. While a hole-in-one is not en.. 2024. 4. 20.
Struck by Lightning on an Airplane... Memories of Two Hole-in-Ones <11>-② With a loud bang, struck by lightning mid-flight Outside the window, snowflakes were falling vigorously from the sky. About 40 minutes into the flight, I thought we had passed the halfway point between Busan and Seoul based on the flight time. Suddenly, the aircraft began to shake, accompanied by a rumbling sound, and lightning started to strike outside the window. It was not the familiar "rain .. 2024. 4. 20.
Struck by Lightning on an Airplane... Memories of Two Hole-in-Ones <11> - ① "Getting a hole-in-one while playing golf is said to be as rare as being struck by lightning. It's just that difficult to achieve. However, I have experienced both being struck by lightning and recording two hole-in-ones. Many of you may be puzzled, thinking, "He has achieved two hole-in-ones, but also been struck by lightning? How can someone who has been struck by lightning be active as a blog.. 2024. 4. 19.
The golf score is often referred to as the "magic wand" of the game <10> - ② "If the score is bad, nothing in the world feels sadder" However, even with diligent practice, the score may remain stagnant or even worsen. As this continues, one may become so despondent that they simply want to give up. They may think, "No matter how hard I try, it seems like I'm just not cut out for this." When examining golfers whose skills do not seem to improve, several reasons can be ide.. 2024. 4. 18.
The Mystery Behind the Daunting First Tee Shot <9> Why is the First Tee Shot So Challenging? Every sports match has a beginning and an end. Taking baseball as an example, the game starts with the pitcher throwing the first pitch to the opposing team's leadoff hitter in the 1st inning, and it concludes when the last out is made in the bottom of the 9th inning. Similarly, in individual sports like golf, there are starting and ending points. Golf b.. 2024. 4. 16.
"'노 캐디' 셀프 라운드로 승부" <150> 충북 힐데스하임 cc 노캐디 셀프 라운드제 전격 시행대한민국 골프장들의 비용은 그린피, 카트비, 캐디피, 식음료대 등으로 이뤄집니다. 그린피는 골프장의 클럽하우스와 홀을 이용하는 비용입니다. 또 카트비는 4명 1조, 2인 1조 라운드를 할 때 골프 클럽을 담은 캐디백을 운반하기 위해 투입된 전동카트 또는 수동카트를 이용하는데 따른 대가로 지불하는 비용입니다.또 캐디피는 카트 운전을 하면서 거리측정과 그린 상황을 안내하면서 플레이를 도와주는 캐디들에게 제공하는 서비스 이용료이고, 식음료대는 클럽하우스나 홀 사이에 있는 그늘집에서 식사나 간식, 주류 및 음료수를 사 먹었을 때 지불하는 비용입니다. 따라서 골퍼들이 라운드 한 번 하려면 그린피 1인당 10만~50만 원, 카트비(팀당) 10만~20만 원, 캐디피.. 2024. 4. 15.
"Golf Excuses" as a Catalyst for Golf Improvement <8> Why Are There So Many Excuses in Golf? Golf is a sport where players make decisions and compete individually, taking full responsibility for their game, leaving no room for blaming others. Unlike team sports like soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball, table tennis, tennis, water polo, and others, where players strategize and sometimes even engage in physical altercations to gain an advantage .. 2024. 4. 14.
The Charm and Power of Winter Golf <7> "Fearless Korean Golfers in the Bitter Cold" Before discussing winter golf in Korea, there are some basic facts to understand. Let's touch upon the geographical location of the Korean Peninsula using latitude and longitude. The latitude of the Earth is divided into 90 degrees north (to the North Pole) and 90 degrees south (to the South Pole) from the equator. Excluding North Korea, the southern .. 2024. 4. 13.
The Truth About Golf Swing Practice Volume <6> Even with years of experience, my golf swing remains inconsistent, leading to moments of frustration and contemplation. This year marks my 28th year since I first ventured into the world of golf. Like many weekend golfers, I was introduced to the sport by a friend during my working years. I received about three months of lessons at the driving range before venturing onto the course. Unfortunatel.. 2024. 4. 12.
South Korean Women: The Pillar of the Golf Industry <5> In 2021, the golf population in South Korea reached 5.64 million, marking an increase of 940,000 from the previous year South Korean women have a significant impact on the golf industry. It's pointed out that if many women hadn't developed a connection with golf, South Korea's golf industry would have collapsed long ago. According to the "Leisure White Paper 2022" released by the Korea Leisure I.. 2024. 4. 11.